

Installing Ghostview and Ghostscript

You should have arrived at this page from the download page. If not, please go to that page and follow the instructions before returning to this page.

At the end of the download page, you should have opened Windows Explorer or My Computer and navigated to the directory in which the two downloaded files were saved:

To begin the installation process, double-click the GSView (or Ghostview) icon gsv28w32.exe. You should see the initial message box

appear within a second or two. Click Setup to continue. You should see the following dialog box next.

It's worthwhile to click the View Readme button to see some of the features of GSView. Two of the features that I find particularly interesting are

The ability to "Display and print PostScript and PDF files" and
The ability to "Convert pages to bitmap, PDF or PostScript."

Click the Next> button to continue the installation. A box or two later, you'll see the following dialog box:

The meaning of this should be pretty straightforward. You can have the install program configure your system to associate Adobe Acrobat files (*.pdf or "portable document format" files) with GSView. That way, whenever you click on a *.pdf file in the future, Windows will open GSView as the viewer program. I already have the free Adobe Acrobat 4.0 reader on my system, so I have not chosen this option. However I have checked the first option so that GSView will be the default viewer for all postscript files (*.ps) and encapsulated postscript (*.eps) files.

Click the Next> button to continue.

Choose the directory in which you want the software installed. I have decided to keep the default directory, except I want it on my D: drive instead of my C: drive. Click the Next> button and continue to do so , following the directions of the next several dialog and message boxes. At the end, you'll see the following message box:

Click the Exit button to finish.

Now return to the download directory in which you downloaded your files and double-click the Ghostscript install file gs600w32.exe.

The installation process is pretty much the same as it is for GSView. The following message box will appear with in a second or two:

Click the Setup button to begin. As before, you should notice that the extraction of the files is being done:

You'll be given the chance to define where the Ghostscript files are to be installed. I generally keep the default the directories, but I have chosen to install on the D: drive instead of the C: drive. You may or may not decide to keep it on the C: drive:

You'll definitely want to keep the Install Fonts checkbox marked. Press the Install button when you're ready to continue. You can follow the progress of the installation in the message box:

When the installation is completed, you'll probably want to restart your machine (Windows being what it is).


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